Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Hey, Hello

Hey all welcome to my little book reading corner. This blog is a combination of two of my 2008 New Year's resolution: a) Start a reading journal, and b) Try to start a blog. So here it is my Blog/Reading Journal. Hope you like what you read.

So, here I am another person with a blog (whoop tee do right?). Well like every person whose blog is about YA fiction I have something different to offer whoever chooses to read my blog. Like I wrote before, this blog is also my book journal so I will be reviewing the books I've recently read and I'll try to post them as I finish them. Another thing I'll be blogging about my book collection (I'm currently collecting books from the Sweet Valley Twins [and Friends] series but that's another blog topic) if you want to see the books I'm looking for for my collection check out my wish list which is located where ever my profile is.

I Know I have A LOT to live up to. The other bloggers such as: The Book Muncher, The Page Flipper and The Hiding Spot, all have awesome blogs. I hope my own will be just as great as theirs.

Well, that's it for now. I'm currently reading How to Take the Ex Out of Ex-Boyfriend by Janette Rallison so that will be the first book I review.


Chelsea said...

!! Thanks for the compliment on my blog. :)

I read the three of your reviews that you've already posted and they're all awesome. Good luck with your blog and I hope you keep at it. Can't wait to read more from you!

Chelsea (thepageflipper)

Anonymous said...

And I'm Josey (Audrey's birthsister IRL) hiding down here in your first comments, hoping she doesn't spot me. If you interview my sister, and you want to know what Josey thinks, you'd be the first person to approach the book in that way...might bring you more readers (or sell my sister more books). Either way, good luck with your book review blog!