Where: Washington, DC; on the National Mall
When: September 26, 2009
What's so exciting about this Festival?
Well, not only are we celebrating the joy of literature and the way books have impacted our society. We're celebrating how much reading has again become a great love of ours in this millennium.
It's also a chance for everyone of all ages to meet their favorite authors (last year I was this close to meeting both Neil Gaiman and R.L. Stine two of my favorite authors). Authors such as:
Richard Peck
R.L. Stine
Neil Gaiman
Holly Black
Walter Dean Meyers
Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
Meg Cabot
Stephenie Meyers
Sharon Draper
James Patterson
Have attended the celebrations in the past.
This is the 9th annual celebration. The 4th year I've known about it; and the 2nd year I'll be attending.
This is a big deal and I want to share it with you.
Good Luck!!!
PS: If anything confuses you just shoot me an e-mail and I'll get back to you.
When: September 26, 2009
What's so exciting about this Festival?
Well, not only are we celebrating the joy of literature and the way books have impacted our society. We're celebrating how much reading has again become a great love of ours in this millennium.
It's also a chance for everyone of all ages to meet their favorite authors (last year I was this close to meeting both Neil Gaiman and R.L. Stine two of my favorite authors). Authors such as:
Richard Peck
R.L. Stine
Neil Gaiman
Holly Black
Walter Dean Meyers
Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
Meg Cabot
Stephenie Meyers
Sharon Draper
James Patterson
Have attended the celebrations in the past.
This is the 9th annual celebration. The 4th year I've known about it; and the 2nd year I'll be attending.
This is a big deal and I want to share it with you.
- So until say the 15th of September I'd really like it (if you're interested) to check out the list of authors and post whose autographed book you'd like.
- The author/authors with the most votes will be the ones I'll be approaching for autpgraphed books.
- I believe you can only take a maximum of 2 to 4 books to an author, depending on their popularity.
- I can't get autographed copies for everyone so there will be random drawings based on your choice author and their books.
For example:
Author A and B are your choices.
Author A's fans asked for books 1, 2, and 3.
10 asked for book 1. 5 asked for book 3. and 20 asked for book 2.
That means 10 people will be in the drawing for book1. 5 for book 3 and 20 for book 2.
As for Author B. 50 people asked for his/her bestselling book, book 4.
Since this is the only book requested, I'll secure the maximum amount whether it's 2 or 4.
Out of those 50 2 or 4 people will be in the running for book 4.
- You do not have to limit yourself to just one author or book.
- To qualify for the drawing post your:
Choice Author(s)
Choice Book(s)
on this and/or future posts predating September 15th 2009.
Or you can post your entry on my Cbox located on my sidebar.
OR you can e-mail me at thebookbrat@gmail.com with the subject:
Septober Giveaway!
Good Luck!!!
PS: If anything confuses you just shoot me an e-mail and I'll get back to you.
Mary D
zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com
Hi there :) I am new to your blog and it is super nice! I'm not sure if I'm doing this right, but I'd LOVE to enter your giveaway :)
Patrick Carman - Skeleton Creek (or anything else lol)
James Patterson - Daniel X (or anything else lol)
Wow I didn't know about this, thank you for posting. Since I live about 2 1/2 hours away from D.C. I'm going to beg my mom to take me : D This is a really nice giveaway though!
Name Tashi
E-mail tashiluvsu@live.com
Choice Author(s)Judy Blume, Jaqueline Woodson, Sue Monk Kidd
Choice Book(s)Forever, Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing
If You Come Softly, I hadn't meant to tell you this, Dear One, Lena
The Secret Life of Bees
Basically I want EVERYTHING! lol but I went back and narrowed it and the list is still long :( haha
Name - Paradox (online)
E-mail - paradoxrevealed (at) aim (dot) com
Choice Author(s) -
- Rick Riordan
- James Patterson
- Shannon Hale
Choice Book(s) -
- The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan
- Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment by James Patterson
- If It's Out... Witch and Wizard by James Patterson
- The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale
- Rapunzel's Revenge by Shannon Hale
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