But when Stella Fox transfers to Stagemount everything changes. Stella, using her so-sleek-it's-scary tactics to worm her into the hearts of the faculty and students at Stagemount, single handed sends Jinx and her friends' worlds crashing down all around them. And to make matters worse she has Liberty wrapped around her little finger. The girls decide to show Stella whose boss at Stagemount and send "The Fox" back in the dingy hole she crawled from.
Yes this is another clique-esque book. But the characters are so sweet and likable that you can't help......not liking them. The girls in this book use their powers of infinite popularity for good not evil like certain other book series. It was refreshing reading about girls who love to eat and aren't to worried about the way they will look after grubbin' (yeah I said grubbin') on hamburgers, onion rings and a nilla-strawberry shake. I like Sara Lawrence's decision to go against the trend of shallow rich girls in a boarding (even though I like some of those books too). I also loved that even though Jinx was the main voice you read throughout the book; you got to hear from a few others including teachers. In closing, I loved Those Girls and cannot wait for the sequel Crushworthy to be released.
Good review!
Looks great....thanks for the suggestion!
I'm looking for the third book now. . .PS: There was Libery, Jinx, Charlie, Liv, and Chasity. Wjo the heck is CO?
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